Of course we still love simplistic “animal” board books and see the need for them, but we feel there is a gap in board book literature.
Paradigm Shift
Our books challenge the youngest minds and keep adults interested at the same time. The Character Education theme in combination with non-fiction biography snippets of pop culture icons will leave you and your child in amazement.
Challenging the Status Quo…
We wanted to foster language, character and we wanted to enjoy it just as much as our children, but couldn’t find it. This lead us to created Bitty Bio: Historical biographies of famous people, itty bitty style.

Until now no one has challenged the status quo of board books and we here at Bitty Bio hope to turn it on its head.
Research shows that infants understand what is being read to them and asked of them. Although they cannot communicate back, they are storing a wealth of knowledge and learning inside.
Some believe that children are far more advanced in language then once thought, however it is difficult to determine this because of their limited communication ability.
Research shows that infants understand what is being read to them and asked of them. Although they cannot communicate back, they are storing a wealth of knowledge and learning inside.
Some believe that children are far more advanced in language then once thought, however it is difficult to determine this because of their limited communication ability.

We have created more complex books that challenge and build vocabulary of little ones while remaining engaging for the adult.
If your child loves a particular book, but you aren’t engaged, it shows. In your voice, your intonation and your attitude, while reading even the youngest listener can pick up on this.
Reading material that you enjoy helps create a lasting bond and engages both parent and child equally. This is a key to succeeding with literacy.
If your child loves a particular book, but you aren’t engaged, it shows. In your voice, your intonation and your attitude, while reading even the youngest listener can pick up on this.
Reading material that you enjoy helps create a lasting bond and engages both parent and child equally. This is a key to succeeding with literacy.

We love all types of books here at Bitty Bio. Some of our favourite board books are simple, some complex, some have very few words, while others have many, some with no themes or story and some that are more complex in nature.
However literacy is more than reading, it is exposure to all things books. The paper, the feel, how to handle and caring for your book are all part of Literacy. That is why we have taken some special measures to increase this aspect of literacy with our board book concepts.
However literacy is more than reading, it is exposure to all things books. The paper, the feel, how to handle and caring for your book are all part of Literacy. That is why we have taken some special measures to increase this aspect of literacy with our board book concepts.
We wanted something more, something different, something that captivated us as much as our children.
A. Harris
Your favourite biographies condensed into friendly board books! Introduce your baby to a new generation of Literacy.

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